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What’s new?

  • YesElf has increased the integration level with Salesforce CRM. As a result, YesElf guidance can now be personalized to each individual user who signs in with a username. YesElf then follows the users’ progress and highly relative, nonrepetitive contextual guidance regardless of the device they are using.
  • Another update regards all YesElf users who are as well using Microsoft Power Apps. YesElf now has native full integration with Microsoft Power Apps. This means you can easily create personalized guides for your users or visitors and utilize the Business Analytics Insights.
  • The new YesElf console  https://cloud.yeself.com/console/ which was introduced in 2.30.0, is now used by all YesElf customers.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed several bugs that enhance the overall security with industry-leading best practices in place. 
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