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What’s new?

  • The full-screen takeover and sidebar widgets are now customizable. Previously, by default, the full-screen and sidebar widgets would place a shadow on the rest of the screen to bring the users’ or visitors’ attention to the widget by creating contrast. Now the YesElf Editor has control over turning off the shadow or adding a blurring effect. With this change, the Full-Screen takeover widget’s behavior will be consistent with other widget types. 
  • YesElf now has a new theme. With the addition of the new theme, YesElf now has over twenty themes to choose from. New YesElf themes that will complement the look and feel of your application are created by our master developers on-demand.

Read about: YesElf themes 

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed several bugs and successfully applied them to the current version. No action is required either from the editors or the end-users.
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